Monday, July 29, 2013

Come along Pond.

I have decided that if I ever have a daughter - she will be named Amelia Pond. Yes. After the Doctor Who character. Yes. Her middle name will be Pond. Yes. You're all jealous you didn't think of it first.

Here is my thinking...

Not only is Amelia one of the most beautiful names for a girl but the character is also known as "the girl who waited". Amy Pond is a character so full of hope and imagination that it defines her entire being.. and that is how I want my little girl to see the world. I want her to live such a rich and vibrant life that when it's over she looks back and sighs with contentment; even if it is only lived through the stories she reads.

But let's be honest. There is one burning reason why my daughter will be named Amelia Pond and that is this: "Come along Pond." Have you ever heard a phrase that fills you with more warmth and love? Every time I hear the Doctor utter those words I get chills. So simple yet so full. Their relationship just is. There isn't any sexual tension or jealousy they just work together in a way only soul-mates exploring life can and it is all summed up in that one phrase. Come along Pond. My precious daughter will have no choice but to feel that love and endearment every time her middle name is spoken. It is different, it is unique, it means something.

As I've stated before, my parental units are quite top shelf. However, they were not the ones who introduced me to the world of reading. I was that strange child who would wander off in the classroom towards the bookshelf and not be seen again for hours. No one knows where my love of literature "came from" but you will not be able to say the same about my children. I cannot wait to fill their world with magic and stories and dreams come true. They will be raised with a firm understanding of Neil Gaiman's quote: "Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten." They will believe in Hogwarts long after the mysteries of Santa and the Tooth Fairy are debunked. And they will be encouraged to create anything and everything they can find inside themselves. 

I can't wait. <3


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